Print & Publication Design

Print and Publication Design is one area in the field of design that has become my passion. One aspect I really enjoy is being able to creatively work digitally or by hand. Below are some of my favorite projects I have done.

Book Design

In book design the possibilities are almost endless. There are a few boundaries when you get to the printer stage. It is my favorite thing to design. Having the options of paper type, binding, color, stylesheet, theme, consistency, and layout designing cover to cover and all the little details in between is just pure fun to me. I can't wait to be able to take book design as a class for communication design further into the program.

This is a photo of table of contents for recipe book for a student project This is a photo of a recipe layout that I designed for a cookbook student project

Ink Print Projects

In a 2D art class I discovered Ink Art. It is a fun challenge and a method that I have used for multiple projects. I've ventured around with ink wash and different color ink projects, but there is something about black and white ink that draws me. I think it may be the stark contrast. These two projects are my favorite because I designed them around the idea of enviornmental change which has become important to me in the last 3 years or so. I believe that everyone can contribute to helping the enviornment. It just depends if one is going to chose to care about it or not.

This is an enviornmental concept of overfishing and nets that get left behind and end up harming sea turtles and other marine life This is a deforestation concept ink art of burned matches and trees